Dude Makes a “Tesla Turbine” With Magnets and its Amazing

Could this work as an alternative energy source?

Ambitious home experimenter makes a device based on Tesla technology.  There are some cool YouTube videos and others floating around by experimenters trying to make an alternative energy device.  There is even an “atmospheric motor” series of vids which are very inventive as well.  In the case of this turbine it runs very well and you can hear it when he fires it up.  it almost sounds like a smooth engine (and of course it has the cool orange and red lights to boot)

It seems like the core of a lot of these devices are based on the boundary layer effect in attempting to run more efficiently than other turbines.

Let’s watch him charge this awesome thing up in the video on page 2

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  1. Ds Mercer said:

    no such thing as perpetual motion, even tesla knew that…
    n even fusion, needs a big kickstart n enormous magnetic field to contain the plasma


