How to Create a Resonance Water Fuel Cell

Here is some more information describing the incredible work of Stanley Meyer:

Genius inventor Stanley Meyer introduces technology, that directly adapt standard motor to the use of Hydrogen fuel. Direct supply of hydrogen to the engine is not running it! This is because Hydrogen burns with “imposing”. All known fossil fuels burns “explosively”.

He is an individual who has generated a lot of controversy. (Stanley Meyer not the narrator in the video) Apparently he claims, or claimed to have an invention of a perpetual motion machine that when attached to an automobile could run on water instead of gasoline.  A court in Ohio I think found him guilty of fraud.

Despite this court’s ruling, many scientists are still pursuing inventions inspired by his work or myth of his work.  No matter what camp you are in, this is interesting stuff and we hope you enjoy the video!

thank you to Globalkast for the great info

thank you to RWG Research for the great info


