10 BIZARRE Theories About “Alien Life”

Here is a bit more about what they discuss in regards to some of these theories:

Stories of abductions and UFO sightings are integrated with our history, and alien enthusiasts constantly study the possibility of the existence of these lifeforms. Here are some of the most controversial theories on alien life that are out there. Of course, when it comes to theories, they are either widely received, or incredibly rejected.

The first theory consists of the idea of the fact that aliens visited the ancient Egyptians. There has been debate as to who actually built the Great Pyramids, but also the Egyptians possessed technology and scientific breakthroughs that were beyond their current time period. Besides trying to debunk these theories with logical explanations, people have blamed aliens. Yes, maybe Jewish slaves hauled the stones, but aliens may have assisted with the construction of the pyramids. By analyzing the ancient hieroglyphics, alien researchers have presented evidence from the walls and sarcophaguses as proof that aliens exist.

We hope you like the video and are inspired to think outside the box when it comes to space and extraterrestrials.


