10 Theories Why Alien’s Haven’t Communicated With Us “Yet”

The discussion of extraterrestrials is not just for people on the fringe as NASA has engaged in this debate, especially recently. There have of course over the centuries been reportings of UFO abductions and the like. However, there are many people who have not seen aliens and they are curious as to why. So, we examine 10 of the top possibilities for them not being sighted yet.

Let’s find out the top 10 reasons we might not have seen aliens in the video on page 2

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  1. Michael Rowan said:

    Actually, they have been around since the ancient Samarians. We are just ridiculously gullible. So mired in our mortal blindness we buzz along like a bee across the face of the obvious.

  2. Philip Mutzu said:

    Does the sentence “it’s pretty clear from a chemistry standpoint that life is inevitable and widespread” imply fact to you? Do the rules of physics and chemistry differ on other planets? No. So what works here has a very high probability it will work elsewhere. Nowhere did I state that anything has been proven conclusively. Hence the phrase I used twice “pretty clear” How vain to think that there is anything special about this planet . in a universe full of trillions.

  3. Michael Bonavente said:

    I think they do… If they spoke me I don’t think I would tell anyone…. The world isn’t ready yet…. Or if they have a message that want given then I would… This world is funny humans are so afraid of the unknown…. What if it’s blessing they give to a peaceful world??? Anyways to your question most definitely.

  4. George Vergara said:

    I have read some of your comments. Some are close and some are correct in the universal cosmic space of their own brain pan. Now for the truth.. SETI signals have been blocked by the governing alien race for our region of space. We are a damaged race with withering DNA who can not stop killing. If this planet attempts interstellar travel we will be stopped. So as not infect the galaxy we occupy. We are a quarantined species who can never leave. Any attempt to do so will end in a mass xenocide. When they do communicate it will be a simple warning “Stay where you are!” So yes, they have been watching and will let us know when theyvsee it necessary.

  5. Gary Lilly said:

    The truth is hidden in plain sight! Another educated perspective: “they” were here before we showed up; we are descendents of the Anunnaki as is reflected within the thousands of indestructible Sumarian tablets left for us to study and understand; our governments know the truth but keep us in the dark in order keep us in chains (debt slavery); they do not wish to alarm us and fear we are not quite ready for Revelations; we are approaching the time of ‘official’ disclosure because the collective consciousness is almost ready for disclosure (think 100th monkey syndrome). Research Richard Dolan’s extensive work on this subject. Research others in the know: Stanton Freeman, Dr. Steven Greer, Linda Moulton Howe, Paul Hellyer, Grant Camaron, Dr. Roger Leer, Stephen Bassett, PRG, etc… I recommend watching the historic Citizens Hearing on Disclosure – the truth IS hidden in plain sight! Those who are meant to know are fully awake and aware. Each in their own time and in their own way.

  6. Joe Allan Boyer said:

    10,made wrong turn at Uranus 9,they are not very chatty,8, broke down still waiting on ASSUME, 7,already here ,6,cant see the map left on earth pollution bad visibility.,5,new law intergalactic travel prohibited during holidays 4,listened to first radio transmission, 3$#%&!@*probing revealed we are all assholes 2,doesn’t exist, 1,,,,, Not real, fake,made in a Hollywood basement. …

  7. Ozzie Cordero said:

    My guess is that they haven’t communicated with us yet because we are literally dumb as rocks. We fight with each other, we let the color of our skin affect how we treat others. NOPE I would stay from this silly planet LOL

  8. Raymond Cummings said:

    Really!? Aliens have been with us since the beginning of time and their DNA is intertwined with ours! The question is are the aliens the fallen ones that the Bible speaks of!? Something to think about……..

  9. Scott Krumwiede said:

    Humorously, you all are wrong, Aliens have for decades have picked up our radio and television plus other communications, where they are war like, discriminate against our fellow humans, so how would we treat them because they would be physically and mentally

  10. Gary Lilly said:

    Yes, John. I believe that our sun, Solaris, along with our central sun, Alcyone, emits photonic and gamma energy (nutrinos) which, over time, alters (upgrades) our DNA. As our DNA is affected (some faster than others), our consciousness evolves.

  11. Ryan Finn said:

    You both know less than the average 1st grader if you believe that bullshit. We dont have a “center sun” the earth is not hollow. Also gamma energy is not just something we would absorb, it would give us all cancer. DNA has nothing to do with our “conciousness”

  12. Peres Triana said:

    All those habitable planets are probably populated by extreme smart beings, but in their evolutionary processes never had the need to develop tool making hands. They never created a communication technology but are probably super sociable dolphins. Good for them, they never created the weapons that will eventually wipe out our technology advanced ”civilization”.

  13. Gary Lilly said:

    You’re an ignorant idiot. You are EXACTLY what’s wrong with our species. Do some frigging homework before you show up in earth’s classroom!

  14. Josh Allen said:

    All they want is the gold.that’s why are economy has always been based on it.that way you can make everyone gather it.and store it for pickup.

  15. Michael Bergeron said:

    This planet can barely deal with the same species having different colored skin let alone a whole new species!!!! the ignorance on this planet would try and kill them just for being different!!!!

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