A Time Travel Tunnel ALLEGEDLY Discovered in China

is there something to this?

This may be bogus but that being said there is STILL something unexplainable.  There are rumors of a time travel tunnel in the East.  Is this true or is it bogus?  Here is what the video maker had to say about this phenomenon:

Does a Time Travel Tunnel exist in China? The “time tunnel” as locals call it, mysteriously dial back the clock when anyone passes through.

At first glance my instincts are skeptical but am curious at the same time.  In the video it shows the actual tunnel and commuters going through it.  Who knows for sure.  Honestly I’d like to go there and check it out in person and then can come to my own conclusions!

It sounds far fetched and the presentation is a bit informal.  However,  a lot of people have apparently been reporting on the phenomenon.

Let’s find out if this thing is real or bogus in the video on page 2

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  1. Johannes H. van Hoek said:

    People are Looking for a way to go back a few years to help correct a few errors that were made which brought about demise,,,, I wish there truly was such a thing but I’m afraid we’re just gonna have to wait on God !

  2. Jeff Knott said:

    Another bullshit post from “Shocking Science” obviously not ran by scientists or they wouldn’t even ask the above question!

  3. Jeff Knott said:

    My cat can’t fly without me sellotaping wings to him and throwing him off a roof! Shall I continue with more “impossible” things?

  4. Jeff Knott said:

    Stephen Place jesus you claim to talk to dead people? What a joke! James Randy has £1M for you if you wanna PROVE IT!?

  5. Karl Rogers said:

    I’ll have a wild guess at no. But if I’m wrong then I can always come back in time (presumably by using the shopping mall escalator pictured above) and change my answer.

  6. Kyle Alan said:

    A link and all just to have it basically say when you pass through this tunnel, people’people’s watches/clocks are turned back. You could be said that to begin with. Talk about click bait.

  7. Adam Ryan Spears said:

    Yes it’s true! This tunnel is so damn long that when you walk out the other side, you are like 2 hours in the future!!!

    & they only charge you like $20 to travel 2 hours in the future!


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