Could Alien Life Have Existed Near This Ancient Star?

some astronomers think YES…

The conditions were extremely similar to Earth which gives possible evidence.  The search for alien life or evidence of it existing in other areas of space is one of the most intriguing of the ages.  There have been many methods used to try to prove or disprove and this group seems to have some cool studies that would show evidence in the having existed camp:

In January, a group led by Tiago Campante — an astroseismology or “starquake” researcher at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom — announced a discovery of five tiny, likely rocky worlds close to an ancient star. The star is named Kepler-444 after NASA’s planet-hunting Kepler mission, which first made a tentative discovery.


Here is more from their study:

Campante’s contribution was narrowing down the age of Kepler-444 and its planets to an astounding 11.2 billion years old. That’s nearly 2.5 times as old as our solar system. None of Kepler-444’s planets are thought to be habitable, as they circle the star at a scorchingly-close distance. However, Campante said that finding those planets is a great stride forward in the search for older, habitable worlds and the best may be yet to come.

“This system gives us hope that there are other habitable worlds that we can’t detect because we don’t have enough observing timespan yet,” Campante said.

If a star like this or another could have been inhabited by alien life do you think they were intelligent?  Or maybe would we be able to travel there in a NASA lightspeed type craft?  Maybe one day! Here is also a cool video of related search for planets that could have aliens also!

thanks to for the great info

thanks to NASA, JPL and CalTech for the image

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