Guy is Convinced Time Travel Actually Happened

Is he crazy or crazy like a fox?

in the 1980s there is a mysterious reported event that one person is convinced indicates time travel.  We will straight up say that it is very far out there in terms of evidence but worth sharing and you can form your own opinion.

Here is more from the reported incident:

A sphere of tingly energy surrounded the UFO causing radio interference with the base, and induced a hazy state of confusion and timelessness for the two men who approached it. When patrol seargent Jim Penniston got close enough to touch some black markings etched onto the craft, it blasted off in a brilliant burst of light.

What is fascinating is related talks of binary code that have gotten attention from some physicists.

Have you ever heard of this story before?

Find out more about this time travel mystery in the video on page 2

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  1. Keith Jones said:

    I say possibilities are infinite. We just can’t quite rap are heads around them. If u were millions of light years away looking at earth through a powerful telescope, you would see dinosaurs. I call that time travel, in a way.

  2. Matt Gray said:

    Any body remember The Mr Wizard show? The creepy old guy that would bring kids down into his basement for science experiments ?

  3. John Worley said:

    The only way to stop the loop of that moment in time would be, changing the course….the future you would have to stop the past you from going back in time in the future…… but that first time travel will always be a loop.. in the fabric of time. Imagine going back just to watch the loop. Damn …. now there will be another loop.

  4. Eric Hoffman said:

    Now, reduce the timing of it to 1/2 second back…. The multiplication of events could be beyond imagination. A single moment back in a loop of moments back all doubling each time… Wow!!! That$#%&!@*is deep… Imagine my thoughts if I smoked weed or something…

  5. John Gadient said:

    30 km per second… That’s how fast we move. Time travel would also have to include complicated three dimensional space travel. You’re the first I’ve seen besides me that realizes this.

  6. Richard Center said:

    The odds of humans on this planet that have evolved technology to the point of time traveling back to the 1980s is unlikely to non-existent at best. Even if the human race were to survive to the year 8100, which is equally unlikely, and developed this time travel technology, then why would they use it only one time in a speculative UFO type visit? The reason is that there is no credible evidence to support the incident. The least believable form of evidence is eyewitness acounts. If you don’t believe me, ask a detective.

  7. Keith Jones said:

    Right, I bet a T-rex penis is huge. But if u took the light particles from yourself and that penis and tangled it with quantum mechanics and bunch of other stuff I don’t know about. U might be able to touch it some how.

  8. Frank Smith said:

    Given enough time and permutations anything is likely

    If you multiply infinite time times infinite multiple dementions
    Time infinite opportunities

    It’s happening several times a nanosecond

  9. Chris Parker said:

    The way I see it is this……i mean who knows what advances in technology and spiritual development will be coming in the future…..whether the immediate or far future it doesn’t matter….because at some point if it is within the realm of physics and spirituality it will happen and when it does people will be able to time travel into the past….probably already have, eh?…..and when they do they will somehow contact us and tell us…”We are you in the future”…..will they be ‘aliens’?
    If this intrigues you, go read “The Wave ” by Laura Knight Jadzjic (sp.) at
    Do not forego the introduction

  10. Jeremy George said:

    Yeah and if u went very far or back in time you would either be pulled into your atomic structure or squeezed into a pile of goo because of the universe’s expansion.

  11. Daniel Cuneo said:

    Physics says it’s possible to glimpse into the past as if you were watch a film but to actually go back through time seems to be the question theories say time space relativity moves as a constant in a fixed direction it is possible to bend and manipulate time on any given point as long as it still adheres to its fixed direction, some theories say we can manipulate the ‘time line’ in a sense to fold and be parallel with each other allowing us to glimpse into the past as a movie but not directly redirect the fixed direction of space time

  12. Hermes Phoenix said:

    Well first off you have the problem that the Earth, the Sun, the Galaxy and everything else is moving through space so if you went back in time even 10 minutes ago the earth would be hundreds of thousand of miles away from where you are. 10 days ago in the spit you go back in time could be inside a sun

  13. Kyle Brennan said:

    Yea, there’s going to be an established date. And then it’s basically a crime punishable by death if anyone discovers that it exists before that date.

    So imagine automated time traveling machines for time travel vacations.
    It drops vacationers off with garb and supplies.
    Comes back on a determined date and picks people up.

  14. Casey B-ski said:

    If its not true then somebody explain to me how it seems like I blinked my eyes and woke up to this sad excuse of a society. Its like when Mc Fly arrives to a bad unthinkable future, except it is not a movie. Good guys are bombing innocent people with drones…..bad guys running for president….rich people have bought our government and the planet is spiraling downward with pollution and one toxic disaster after the next. War and poverty are consuming every inch of our planet and whats worse is it is by choice. We have the technology to do anything we desire and yet our world continues to head in the wrong direction. For shame earthlings….for shame.

  15. Shawn Bean said:

    Energy can not be created nor destroyed but transfered trough space and time. We do not have to physical travel through time, but may be able to travel through the minds eye which we have not even begun to comprehend ..

  16. Roger Pilkington said:

    Question: if time travel is possible, then are parallel universes possible? They would have to be be be if time travel is possible. Otherwise, if time is only linear, time travel would be impossible. Meaning, you can’t change the past. Your present self, stepping onto the past, would create a paradox, wouldn’t?

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