Is This Theoretically How to “Time Travel”?

is this crazy or crazy smart?

Some scientists think it is possible albeit differently than we might think.  This video is from a theoretical and philosophical examination of time travel possibilities.  The gentleman who narrates the video poses a very fascinating and “different” way to think about time traveling possibilities!  Here is what he had to say:

After struggling for years Dr. Ronald Mallett has a scientific epiphany. In this episode, Dr. Mallett presents his unique theory of time travel, the limitations involved, and life lessons he’s gleaned.

EPIPHANY is a daily series that invites impassioned thought leaders across all disciplines to reveal the innovative, the improbable, and the unexpected of their worlds.

Does he say anything new or pose a groundbreaking point of view that may effect this area of study going forward?


The comments on this particular video, as expected, are very spirited.

Commenter Raymond D is skeptical and poses this counter point:

The problem being that he treats time like an object, something that doesn’t explicitly contain its own set of rules. When time travelling to the past to “Change your destiny” he says, if you change your outcome of the moment you time travelled back, then you originally grow up with that path, thus not allowing you to go back in time to change that outcome. It’s a very simple paradox. If you change the past so that WWII never happened, then WWII wasn’t around for you to time travel backwards to stop in the first place, so, theoretically, the entire universe would be forced to rewind itself to the exact moment before the time-travelling incident occurred. By time-travelling, you single-handedly destroy the future of the universe, so now there’s only the past and present, no future.

Commenter Jon S is a bit more in the camp that there is a possibility to time travel in a related fashion:

It’s an interesting theory, but i’m wondering how he would be able to spin or manipulate space in such a way to make this theory a reality. We’re always told that ‘Time’ is not a physical matter, but what if we’ve been wrong about this all along? What if strands of time that we can’t see with the naked eye actually exists, and somehow someway could be manipulated and played with if certain elements come together? I’ve always been fascinated with time travel and for a while when I was younger I had a dream that often repeated for about a month, which had me using a machine to travel back and forth through time.

We hope you like the video and feel free to comment with your own theories!


  1. Joel Ferguson said:

    Imagine that each person has a fine tapestry comprised of millions of individual strings of respondent effect. Each instance of choice or chance represents one string. Now consider that experience links one tapestry to another until like a nth degree of Kevin Bacon game. Now imagine an unseen elemental force, perhaps a quantum quark or the Higgs Boson, in some way through electromagnetism and harmonic resonance creates the infinite individual alternate universe’s that actually in my opinion make real time travel incredibly improbable.

    I theorize a similar situation, in my opinion if one were to breach the time space barrier it would be an alternative timeline where they would emerge.

    The active attempt would be at least for a prototype system, perceived as unsuccessful. Even if you went back in time, who’s time did you go back in?

  2. Dustin Haines said:

    The only time travel that I believe could even exist would be to move from one place in the universe to another, like earth orbit to Mars orbit in a fraction of a second. Almost in 2 places at once

  3. Lee Moore said:

    How bout determine the frequency and tone in which you produce from your own body. Your vibration. Then reverse that with the inverse. The light or energy will be set free of it’s electromagnetic entrapment, at that point it could be quantified and sent on a beam of light, but you could technically use whatever kind of electromagnetic wave you wanted to transport, but the wave length would determine how far how fast you could travel. So destinations could be determined depending on the medium in which the wave of choice traveled. Same thing to reverse gravity create the inverse of the wave and it cancels it out. Interference patterns cancel out , or you can boost it with a harmony of waves. Much like white light travels differently than the colors individually. Just a thought.

  4. Lee Moore said:

    Energy is a spiral down a wire, with specific geometry, frequency, amplitude, we are taught that it waves, when really it is our measuring devices are not taking into consideration riding with the wave, instead of measuring peak to peak. There is the third part never mentioned. Electrical Action= potential difference. 2 volts is the difference between 1 and -1 or 1volts is the difference between .5 and -.5. Every action has an equal an opposite reaction, but every outlook depends on perspective. Always 3 fields trinity. It takes yen and yang to make one whole. The ancients were way smarter than we are.

  5. Lee Moore said:

    Like three phase power produces a pyramid shape in one revolution if you looked at it on a flat plane, this is what mandalas are the vibrations as viewed with the wave, it grows and collapses creating the wave we think of because of the way we view it. Perspective.

  6. Sherman W Braithwaite said:

    That means that the people with the biggest bankbooks are the greatest time travelers of them all. At one time, I has assumed that I ruined a great future because I held back my scientific career. I then realized that I was lying to hide from time bandits. After reading that, I realized that I was already caught by time bandits. Anyhow, who are any of us fooling? Having technological disadvantages because of crazy rich people who pose money as brains is a fact and we have been dupe already. It’s way too late to turn back now. There is no running from that. At one time–yesterday–I swore that windmills are polluting the rotation of the earth. It decreases and increases the speed. That can’t be true though. There is no way that can happen. Yea rich people with no science at all. I also realize that with my mind; Having after made it to becoming a great scientist, I also may have the capabilities of polluting the earth’s rotation. I then thought that with that sort of technology, both fixing it and ruining it is possible. Yeah, just like those giant windmills. Then again, that is not possible. We are all time travelers. Weird. You know what happens after we die then? We start all over again trying to fix time. I think that the future is what is influenced anyhow. Not the past. It is way too late for that. I always had the same kind of thought presented, I just never formulated it as being possibly true. You are a bad man to opposition even if you lose. They will steal your stuff, rub around on it, swim in it. Touch it, feel it. Desire it. Even if you never do the same.

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