NASA’s Chief Scientist Straight Up Says We’ll Find Aliens In 10 Years

Do you agree?

Glad they think so as you don’t hear that everyday ;).  That being said, these are exciting times and NASA and a panel gives a very interesting discussion on the probabilities and factors as they estimate using their data.  In 2015 alone there have been some incredible discoveries.  SOme of them are the famous “alien sphere” star.  They still don’t know what that is.  In addition they found the exoplanet kepler 452-b which is the most similar to earth out of all the ones they’ve viewed.  Here is a bit more on what they discuss in this video:

NASA’s top scientist predicts that we’ll find signs of alien life by 2025, with even stronger evidence for extraterrestrials in the years that follow.

“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years,” NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan said Tuesday during a panel event on water in the universe.

Those are very strong statements and ones that may space fans would like to be true.

Here is a cool rendition of an exoplanet


Aside from the specific prediction they make, in this talk they focus on some things that may seem intuitive.  For one thing, focusing on nearby stars such as Alpha Centauri and others in the search may make a lot of sense.  Here is further info on the discussion:

This panel discussion from NASA headquarters focuses on recent discoveries of water and organics in our solar system, the role our sun plays in water-loss in neighboring planets, and our search for habitable worlds among the stars.

We hope you like the video and do you think they are right?  Feel free to comment with your ideas.


  1. Paul Haley said:

    Read the article and what he said… he said he “thinks,” not straight up we will… anyone can think anything and predict anything… such a misleading title and misquoting the guy who was interviewed.

  2. Jared Bock said:

    So now we have to wait another 10 years for them to tell us the truth that we’ve had contact with extraterrestrials not only since the late thirties but for the last few thousand years

  3. Ryan Kody said:

    The laws of relativity and quantum mechanics never Change. The universe wasn’t meant to send messages or travel. Highly unlikely. Don’t hold your breath on it.

  4. Chris Lemay said:

    No your just trolling me to start an argument there is endless video of debunking space station videos to photo shopped pictures you can take almost any pic from NASA on your own computer and use Google photo shop and drop the contrast and see were it’s been edited.

  5. Chris Lemay said:

    But by all means if your bored you can try and come up with a whity insult to comment back because clearly don’t got anything better to do with your time.have fun

  6. Chris Lemay said:

    I’m waiting to be embarrassed……I can help you out if you would like.Your either going to say something like “because the internet dose not lie” or you believe everything you watch or you will try to suck me into the list of people who think a reptilian race of aliens got a hold of our white house and everything is a conspiracy but I’m not and I don’t.If I find something that intrests me I research both sides and get as much info as I can.I love space and loved everything NASA had to feed me but the more of it I went thru the more It it was obvious it wasn’t the whole truth or fake all together.Common sense is the proof I got.

  7. Rick Crick said:

    Itll look like a big$#%&!@*belt with a huge trump buckle faced outward to ward them off. Unless they want to gamble at 1 of his fabulously fabulous trump casinos…well then they can visit for a bit.

  8. Stephen Michael Mcneill said:

    Actually quantum mechanics does allow communication with particles instantaneously no matter the distance, Einstein called this spooky action at a distance. And they have learned how to use this and make computers from it and they say communications aren’t far behind. Also a man by the name of Miguel Alcubier found in 1994 that warp engines were mathematically possible making interstellar travel possible, and Harold “Sonny” White from NASA right here in Houston has made that math better and is working on experiments to see if we can make warp drives possible. Your right relatively and quantum mechanics haven’t changed (yet), but there are ways around physics without breaking laws.

  9. Jason Good said:

    Humans have no idea abt quantum mechanics. They are in the infancy stage of learning abt it. You have no idea what your talking abt

  10. Ryan Kody said:

    Im at work. Will respond later. Of course you a speaking of quantum entanglement. That is very much different than breaking the laws if physics. However, the incomplete puzzle we know works 100 percent of the time. I would love to carry this conversation further in a couple hours

  11. Jason Good said:

    Scientist dont even understand quantum physics but u act like u know something abt it. We dont even have a quantum computer yet. Warp drive is possible because negative mass is possible. Stop trying to play teacher

  12. Jason Good said:

    Moon landing for one. And if u say no they have been to the moon, the astronauts that “went” to the moon Sao there were ufos there and u said traveling the universe is impossible so either way your burnt

  13. Justin Bordigon said:

    We are here floating around on a very tiny speck of a blue ball. If we can exist, so can “aliens”. If our government is saying that we will find them in 10 years, we’ve probably already done so (or they found us) and probably a very long time ago.

  14. Ryan Kody said:

    I will steven Stephen Michael Mcneill. When I’m not at work or with my daughter im studying cosmology or quantum mechanics. And Jason Good. It’s irrelevant eiher way. Although we do have one it has no baring in quantum mechanics, thats more of an engineering problem. But keep your studying up.

  15. Jason Good said:

    U prolly think anti gravity is impossible too…the presence of mass in space causes vibrations in return create gravitational waves. If you make your own sound wave the opposite of the gravitational wave it will cancel gravity out…its called destructive interference

  16. Ryan Kody said:

    If you have something to tell me that I already don’t know I’m all ears Jason Good. And what you are saying is certainly theory at very best. Lol. We have in fact yet to discover any solid evidence of gravitational waves. But I do believe that they exist based on the laws of relativity.

  17. Jason Good said:

    Bro u dont know what the gov knows…u only know whatb u read and are told. U really think u r told everything. Thats y the gov keeps secrets in area 51 and uses the cover its national security…right

  18. Jason Good said:

    You will never know everything nasa knows and anything breakthrough in space tech or anything, u will not be told. Just like the stealth tech and f17 were around years before the public knew

  19. Ryan Kody said:

    And believe me. I believe other life exists everywhere more than likely, bur getting there or contacting them is a whole different set of circumstances

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