Quantum Entanglement And The Universe

Are you aware of quantum entanglement?  This is where new physics and astrophysics theories start getting even more interesting and E=mc2 gets a fresh new look.  This video examines the subject from the vantage point of many well known physicists:

A historical account from 1985 of the long standing debate between Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein regarding the validity of the quantum mechanical description of atomic phenomena and observation of quantum states with respect to the uncertainty principle and quantum entanglement . Starring some famous physicists, John Archibald Wheeler, John Stewart Bell, Alain Aspect, David Bohm and others. Interesting stuff.

Let’s see what they have to say about how our universe may be different than we thought in the video on page 2

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  1. Richard Darnall said:

    Oh yeah, I’ve read about entanglement a while back. They’re already building computers that use this technology for crazy fast calculations.


