Top 3 Reasons Why We Haven’t “Seen” Aliens

Are you familiar with the Fermi paradox?

The main crux of it is basically the contradiction of the seemingly high likelihood of extraterrestrials given the vastness of the visible universe yet the fact that “most” of us have not visibly seen aliens.  A very clever philosopher examines this paradox further with 3 fascinating and thought provoking explanations.

Here are the 3 possibilities the writer poses as explanations:

Possibility 1) Super-intelligent life could very well have already visited Earth, but before we were here. In the scheme of things, sentient humans have only been around for about 50,000 years, a little blip of time. If contact happened before then, it might have made some ducks flip out and run into the water and that’s it. Further, recorded history only goes back 5,500 years—a group of ancient hunter-gatherer tribes may have experienced some crazy alien shit, but they had no good way to tell anyone in the future about it.

Let’s find out the other 2 on the next page

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  1. Darrell Fortenberry said:

    I cling to curiosity. A advanced species will have solved there most immediate need issues. They will have no concern regarding sustainable existence for that will have been made mute. So they will explore because they are clever. And we are not ready to be in there group of peers.

  2. Lucas Bostic said:

    There is the possibility that they have been watching our planet for a long time and our government either doesn’t know it or is covering it up. Advanced civilizations could have sufficient needs for finding planets that have intelligence in early technological stages; if the other side of our galaxy is teaming with advanced civilizations then they would want to know if there are savages in a remote corner of the galaxy getting ready to explore the cosmos with viruses and bacteria and nukes and hostility. Of coarse there could be other reasons for finding us as well…

  3. Steven Eastman said:

    If they’re smart enough to get here, there’d be nothing they could learn from us. If they came to visit us, they’d know everything they could possibly learn before they got here. On the day they arrive, there’d be nothing of interest to find.

  4. Kevin Hughes said:

    Why do they always leave out the possibility that the Human species is the most advanced species in the Universe. That is a very real possibility.

  5. Raymond Cummings said:

    Reason #4 Maybe because the human race is made up of a bunch of retards. #5 Maybe they have been with us the entire time but since information that we see is only in 2D and our minds work in 2D. #6 The human race on average uses 10% of his mind capability out of 100% And maybe they have technologies such as cloaking devices that would allow them to mimic looking like a human being. #7 Technology is the key and maybe they have had thousands of years to develop and perfect their technology. #8 Or maybe we’re just a food source to them and our planet is just a drive through McDonalds. #9 Maybe they’re trying to intertwine their DNA so that they can live on this planet as well. #10 Maybe we as a human species will never find out……….the last one is a joke because the truth is they have been with us since the beginning of time.

  6. Lee Martin said:

    Because their already living among us, have been for thousands of years. Their ships are from inside the earth, or are secret anti gravity craft created by humans- but the alien flying saucer story is a cover up.

  7. Daniel Shaver said:

    Our end of the universe is pretty young. If life has been going on for some time. It is unlikely we would be the most advanced or at least the most advanced that have ever existed.

  8. John Riepel said:

    Not my reason. We have. Just being lied to and if we truly haven’t it’s because there’s probably some sort of galactic government that has rules and regulations trying to interact with a type 0 civilization.

  9. Kevin Hughes said:

    The thing is, we do not actually know. We could very well be the first technological species in the Universe. There is nothing saying anything against that.

  10. Chris Kelton said:

    Or…they’ve seen where we are headed as a species and have decided to let us annihilate ourselves before they take over. Why worry about getting rid of a civilization when they will do it to themselves?

  11. James Lemann said:

    If I had a 8 trillion dollar spaceship with thousands of years more advanced technologies. Is there any reason to land other than water?

  12. Ryan Steele said:

    We haven’t seen Aliens because they look indistinguishable to humans. They are experts in DNA and the human genome so you could be in a room full of them and would never know it.

  13. Patrick Leonard said:

    Or maybe humans are incredibly violent tools with nuclear weapons and aliens are smart enough to avoid contact. That’s the most obvious answer.

  14. Jimmy DiFrancesco said:

    There’s probably hundreds of real reasons Fermi doesn’t mention. I read before and was actually able to write out about 15 viable possiblilities that weren’t mentioned. It was simple and most were more logical.
    But most important. It’s not really a paradox if you can’t prove they haven’t been around if where it comes tumbling down from “go”. You kinda need data for a paradox. We find bits and pieces of ancient evidence, but are denied modern evidence. You can’t figure that as a paradox no matter how ya spin it

  15. Jimmy DiFrancesco said:

    Now add a million years. Is there a single reason we should be able to physically see them? We are currently bending light around small structures in the lab as I type this. That’s just 50,000 years at 20% brain function

  16. Jimmy DiFrancesco said:

    Dude. Are you aware that the universe is 14 BILLION years old.. .we are still in the thousands. Sorry, but it literally is not a very real possibility at all. If the universe was a few million years old…maybe. But now? We are not so unique, we simply haven’t had the cosmic experience to realise and acknowledge it.

  17. Jimmy DiFrancesco said:

    Only if you refuse to do real research.^^ Nobody is going to hold your hand. But starting at the beginning with the Sumerians like the rest of us is a good start. A closed mind sees nothing.

  18. Daniel Shaver said:

    We don’t know… until we go out and explore the cosmos. Which we should be doing right now. We need to know the answers if there has been failed intelligence in the universe and if they are still alive and they are willing to acknowledge our presence. Then we need to ask them how they did. How did they make it as far as they have with out being destroyed

  19. Jimmy DiFrancesco said:

    Did you really say that? I suppose there is no future dicovered to be made, everybody can go home. We have been accurately predicting theoretical physics with a very high increase over time. That is logic. We make discoveries that amaze us over and over and over again. Will be making more. That is logic. Are you even trying to imagine what is discovered in a million years? Or does that escape you too? Sorry to break this to you, but you are quoting our current model of physics. Sorry but it’s been broken and remade over and over. It is currently breaking now with deep space discoveries. It will keep happening because we have limited senses and use a portion of our minds. Stop thinking the furthest we’ve gone is the furthest possible. Its elementary and makes you sound like you don’t think forward. No offense, I’m honestly helping.

  20. David Hulsey said:

    Jimmy DiFrancesco Sumerians? Real research? Try researching distances, time, faster than light travel. Just to name a few. Quit watching ancient aliens.

  21. Bob Werfal said:

    Possibility #4 we as a species are the dawn of intergalactic intelligence and will one day be the superior interstellar travelers to other developing species.

    Possibility #5 we are the remnants of a once great interstellar race sent here to further the existence of the species.

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