Basketball Is Thrown Off A Cliff Into The Clouds Does Something Insanely Cool

The comments are all over the place on this one.

Commenter “Jack” poses this question:

Couldn’t the wind of affected this experiment? In the previous experiment there was a control for the wind, there was none. They are throwing the ball above a cloud line, yeah right not having any wind there. I don’t know how much of the Magnus Effect we are really witnessing.

Is he right?  Below this video we will also post the original magnus effect clip.

And Veritasium has an interesting comment pertaining to the experiment he did:

The biggest misconception about the Magnus Effect is that it is just a consequence of Bernoulli’s principle. It’s not. This can be demonstrated by varying the surface roughness of the ball. Smooth balls can actually curve in the opposite direction due to the ‘reverse Magnus effect’ because flow over one side is laminar while the other is turbulent. This is a great reference on the shortcomings of Bernoulli’s principle explanations:

We hope you enjoy the radness that is science!



