10 Ancient Civilizations You Have Never Heard Of Before

The comments are all over the board on this thread and here is one discussion in particular about the Minoans that got some traction:

Commenter TJ had this to say about a certain civilization:

Nothing against Rome and the Hellenic Greeks, but the Minoans don’t get the recognition they deserve. The Minoans literally founded the European civilization and were one of the most advanced people of their time. However, since anthropologist can’t decipher the Minoan language and writing we know so little about them. I hope someone will decipher their language and writings so the Minoans can get the recognition they deserve.

Commenter Miax had this to say in reply:

Minoans may have been at the origin of hellenic culture (though we don’t really know since oldest part of hellenic history is still a mystery), but I can assure you that Roman culture is way more etruscan than minoan. When Rome was still a monarchy, their kings were etruscan. Most of roman culture was copied and assimilated from etruscans

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