Could There be 10 Dimensions or More?

now THIS will make you THINK…

Could there be infinite dimensions?  Some think the visible universe goes on to infinity.  Others think it extends a certain distance albeit extremely far and that is it.  And it is almost universally agreed upon (although who really knows) that there are at least 4 physical dimensions that we can comprehend…sort of.  Length, width, depth, and time.  However, just the same way something experiencing only two dimensions might not be able to think about 3 dimensions etc., could it be the same for us?  This video examines theoretically how 10 dimensions could work.

Let’s find out how this might be possible in the video on page 2

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  1. Randy Segura said:

    Yes there are infinite numbers of dimensions.. Each person carries within themselves their own personal dimension considering each persons perspective is different in length width depth ect.. I can say something is 2 feet wide and someone else would say it would be 3 thus being different perspectives=different dimensions and realities are created..

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