10 Theories Why Alien’s Haven’t Communicated With Us “Yet”

The discussion of extraterrestrials is not just for people on the fringe as NASA has engaged in this debate, especially recently. There have of course over the centuries been reportings of UFO abductions and the like. However, there are many people who have not seen aliens and they are curious as to why. So, we examine 10 of the top possibilities for them not being sighted yet.

Let’s find out the top 10 reasons we might not have seen aliens in the video on page 2

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  1. Shane Dyer said:

    They could maybe not even be in our universe. Maybe they created this universe to plant intelligent life here and observe it evolve, as to help them better understand themselves. Or maybe we are them, and after our previous planet exploded, then the organic matter needed to evolve intelligent life flew through space for billions of years and landed here. There is more theories then what’s listed here.

  2. Timoshi Deaton said:

    Maybe it’s not aliens but humans from the future . If you believe you can travel to the future or we have technology that allows us to travel back in time in the future. But remember anything is possible. Or are we limited? sorry no we are not . Bad news for everyone humans have endless possibilities.

  3. Tony Kemp said:

    Maybe, just maybe it’s cause we don’t speak their language n they don’t speak ours too, has it occur to any one that if you drop off an American in a non English speaking country that they won’t understand him n neither will he understand a word he hears. Who ever said there’s a rosetta stone store up in space or they have Google translate. The biggest overlooked theory is the language barrier. We just don’t know how to. Plain as that

  4. Mark Hall said:

    Would you want to communicate with a child race that don’t even abide by their own rules hate each for being different to grow up as a race first and what you want to be captured by one of us

  5. Israel Cruz said:

    They came and we shot them down. We shot first and asked questions later. That was enough to show that our race was too hostile for them.

  6. Ike Waggoner said:

    It’s like this a mammal lived here an basically alien life used our bodies to hold their offspring but it gets confusing because their was ment to be stages like the slaves or workers then the host carries we were created by aliens but for different reasons an races

  7. Peter Miller said:

    We’ve been in contact since the early 1900’s. If they landed and were in broad daylight people would riot. Are we really ready to come face to face with a race that could wipe us out without breaking a sweat?

  8. Mike Littlefield said:

    Umm have you looked outside and seen how retarded we are? All they have to do is chill up in orbit and watch our news and I’d be like umm nope these people are hopeless leaving refugees to fend for them selves fighting over who’s god is better we are a young and dumb species

  9. Philip Mutzu said:

    Aliens would find no interest in earth . By the time a civilization can travel from star to star things like resources become trivial . it’s pretty clear now earthlike planets should be common. Its also pretty clear from a chemistry standpoint that life is inevitable and widespread. So more than likely we earthlings are about as interesting to aliens as a ant is to us.

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