A Star About To Travel 2.5% The Speed Of Light…

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Every now and then something so cool comes along in astronomy.  Space never ceases to amaze and even in our own galaxy, some of the neatest observations take place.  No need to look at quasars billions of light years away unless you really want to 😉  Here is a brief intro into this awesome video:

This artist’s impression shows the orbits of stars around supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way. In 2018 one of these stars, S2, will pass very close to the black hole and present the best opportunity to study the effects of very strong gravity and test the predictions of Einstein’s general relativity in the near future.

Did you even know about this or that we would be able to check something like this out?

How cool is that?  NASA and even the team at the ESO keep coming out with rad stuff.

Let’s watch what happens with this gravity instrument in the video on page 2

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  1. Alan Lawrence Schneider said:

    I saw a space doc about this a couple years ago. They stated the speed of these stars are traveling as they get close to the black hole could reach 5% of the speed of light. Wow!


