Archaeologists Find a “Hidden Tunnel” Leading to These Chambers

whoa…what did they find??

This may turn out to be one of the biggest discoveries in archaeology ever.  Apparently, just when you thought the mysteries of tombs and pyramids were all in Egypt, you were surprised with this.  In the country of Mexico there are all kinds of advanced archaeological structures:

A years long exploration of a tunnel sealed almost 2,000 years ago at the ancient city of Teotihuacan yielded thousands of relics and the discovery of three chambers that could hold more important finds, Mexican archaeologists said Wednesday.

Project leader Sergio Gomez said researchers recently reached the end of the 340-foot (103-meter) tunnel after meticulously working their way down its length, collecting relics from seeds to pottery to animal bones.

A large offering found near the entrance to the chambers, some 59 feet (18 meters) below the Temple of the Plumed Serpent, suggests they could be the tombs of the city’s elite.

Is that crazy or what?

Did you have any idea they might find something like this?

Let’s find out what may be inside in the video on page 2

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