These Atoms Wouldn’t Move When You Were Observing Them..WOW!!

?? Whoa cool!

They have proven the “zeno effect”.  You may or may not have heard about quantum entanglement.  Sounds complicated and a lot of physics can be.  However, in the simplest terms, it was illustrated in something called the double slit experiment where observing a particle of light or photon would effect it’s outcome or the trajectory.  So if you watched it, literally it effected it.  Not they have taken this to another level and proved it in a different scenario:

Quantum physics theory has an odd but fundamental quirk: atoms in a quantum state aren’t supposed to move as long as you’re measuring them.

This sounds crazy right?  Apparently this just happened:

Cornell University researchers have just demonstrated that it’s real. The team noticed that the atoms in an extremely cold cloud of Rubidium gas wouldn’t move around as long as they were under observation.

Let’s find out more and see a double slit experiment in action on page 2

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  1. John DeBoy said:

    I believe this is a direct effect of the fibulation combustulation on the quantum particle scale. Very interesting indeed.

  2. Jay Gore said:

    I once heard Corey Goode say that an experiment will always have a different outcome just by us observing it. Meaning that just by our observations alone we can cause it to change.


