Awesome Video on Extracting the Fluorescent Stuff From Markers

Here are the steps on collecting it from markers:

step 1: Buy a bunch of fluorescent markers (how ever many you like)

step 2:  Pull the backs off with a plyers

step 3:  Shake out the tube that holds the dye

step 4: The gentleman who made the video uses a tube of rubbing alcohol to extract the fluorescein since it’s soluble in alcohol and the ink binder is not, thus seperating effectively.

step 5: Collect the fluorescein and alcohol solution

From here on out we’re gonna leave it up to the video host if you want to go beyond this point.  Note alcohol and alcohol vapor is extremely flammable and we are not advising or condoning any of the processes in this video.  Any experiments should be done only by professionals in a science lab and/or well ventilated and safe environment.


