Is There a Hidden Microscopic Universe?

This video may be one of the most interesting that we’ve ever posted.  The comments are very intriguing and here are some of the notable ones.

Commenter hidden 4 time say:

In regard to the double slit experiment: The act of measuring or seeing the wave causes the wave function to collapse. At the moment the wave is seen, the wave is reduced to particles. There is nothing spooky about this. It is just one of the laws of quantum physics, which are vastly different from the laws which govern the motion of planets or other macroscopic bodies. I wish someone would make a video that takes the time to explain that observation (detection) changes the physical condition that particles travel in. I find the many worlds argument to be nonsensical. One cannot assume that what is valid for the quantum world is valid for ourselves. No particle travels back in time, the wave simply ceases to function under detection. The only proof for a reversal of time would be if the pattern of impacts on the barrier disappeared or were rearranged. Nothing like that happens in the double slit experiment.

Commenter A Pi has this to say:

They have done numerous experiments to test if the equipment or local environment affects the measurement in the double slit experiment. I think if it were as easy to resolve as you think those gargantuan minds with all that research money and time may have done so by now and the Nova researchers would be aware of it.We have only just figured out that the ‘wave’ is not just a mathematical and purely mental phenomena depending on knowledge. People don’t have to look or measure for the wave function to collapse there merely has to be information out there which makes it possible to do so. I think that particles affecting each other instantaneously across light years of space is very spooky, although actual empirical experiments have only extended to 7 miles, whereas the light years assertion is based on theory and an assumption that if it does it over 7 miles why not light years, they are playing a bit fast and loose there.

We hope you are intrigued by this video as mush as we are!


  1. Mike Baumher said:

    I always thought this as well. We could be a. Universe in a puddle of water in another planet in a nother universe and a day in that univesre is a trillion years here. And wat if that piddle dries up haha

  2. David Rogers said:

    Every string being a parallel universe with a whole different means of life, physics and reality all together. I’ve thought about it so much makes so much sense to me aha

  3. Thomas Bell said:

    Spirit world everyone thinks is a fairy tale. No life exists without some intelligence and as things go we are the babies of this planet which is governed by unseen forces we cannot even imagine. You don’t squish a bug or pick a flower unless it’s known and recorded by these spirits.

  4. David Donnelly said:

    Any finite universe approaches zero size in the limit. What is the scale on which this argument is based? ‘Microscopic’ is a relative term in this use. Is there no room for scientific rigor in your commentary?

  5. Kyle Edward said:

    Think of the universe and all that is as a tunnel, not microscopic and eternally stretching outward from a given point, but inward and outward eternally from every thing.

  6. Kyle Edward said:

    I used to think that too. Everything is. But now I’ve been thinking of myself not as a point, but as a tunnel eternally internal and eternally outward. Its hard to wrap your head around.

  7. Robert J Savka said:

    The closer we get to any given singularity point,the closer we get to reaching another universe.possible one in which works in conjunction with our own just beyond the microscopic.


