Could Glass Actually Be A Liquid?

Here is a bit more information on why they think this might be possible and it comes down to the molecular structure:

So what is it about glass that makes people think it’s a liquid? It all comes down to its atoms, which aren’t arranged in a nice crystalline structure like they are in most solids. Instead, they’re all jumbled up, which you’d usually see in the structure of a liquid.

But glass is a special type of solid, called an amorphous solid, which means that it cools down so quickly from a liquid state that its molecules don’t have time to arrange themselves properly.

Which one is it?  Feel free to comment with your theories!

thanks to sciencealert for the great info


  1. Hubert Szczepanek said:

    Glass was thought to have been a liquid instead of a solid at one time, due to thinner upper halves and congruently thicker lower halves of old glass panes, but is actually attributed to manufacturing defects and installation. The thicker lower halves led people to beleive that glass flowed downward because it was a liquid and not completly a solid.


