Could This Actually Be a Way To Time Travel?

The comments on this particular video, as expected, are very spirited.

Commenter Raymond D is skeptical and poses this counter point:

The problem being that he treats time like an object, something that doesn’t explicitly contain its own set of rules. When time travelling to the past to “Change your destiny” he says, if you change your outcome of the moment you time travelled back, then you originally grow up with that path, thus not allowing you to go back in time to change that outcome. It’s a very simple paradox. If you change the past so that WWII never happened, then WWII wasn’t around for you to time travel backwards to stop in the first place, so, theoretically, the entire universe would be forced to rewind itself to the exact moment before the time-travelling incident occurred. By time-travelling, you single-handedly destroy the future of the universe, so now there’s only the past and present, no future.

Commenter Jon S is a bit more in the camp that there is a possibility to time travel in a related fashion:

It’s an interesting theory, but i’m wondering how he would be able to spin or manipulate space in such a way to make this theory a reality. We’re always told that ‘Time’ is not a physical matter, but what if we’ve been wrong about this all along? What if strands of time that we can’t see with the naked eye actually exists, and somehow someway could be manipulated and played with if certain elements come together? I’ve always been fascinated with time travel and for a while when I was younger I had a dream that often repeated for about a month, which had me using a machine to travel back and forth through time.

We hope you like the video and feel free to comment with your own theories!


  1. Leon Santamaria said:

    No way…..when you go to the store….in one time…in the nex day you can back to the same store in the same time….time is continuing….and no go back….just go…and go…when stop..we didn’t know.


