Could There Be 10 Dimensions Or More?

What do you think?

Trippy and smart guy breaks this down on video.  His channel already has over 7.5 million views.  This is likely because many people are curious about the subject.  It has been discussed in science fiction movies and many scientific theories swirl around but no one is certain.

The comments on this video thread are very spirited.  Here are two of the more inquisitive on the thread:

10th dim says: Okay, if organisms can exist in the three dimensions, and organisms exist in the two dimensions, how would an organism (or two, but that can only be it since there is no way for the two to walk past each other) live in one dimension?

gold333 had this to say in reply: Let’s not confuse a thought experiment with claims about reality – the 2D flatlander is an imaginary construct used to help us understand how our own perception of additional dimensions is limited. This is not to suggest that there are actually 2D and 1D creatures.

This is the first in a series.  Is he right?  Feel free to comment.


  1. Maksym Demyda said:

    🙂 That’s a good question. Can humanity have answer to such humongous question? What we know is different from reality surrounding us. Reality is more weird than imagination. Go figure.

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