Here is a bit more information on how the biology would work in using such a detection system. Just a note, this is assuming that most alien life forms would have similar physical properties to those on planet earth. That being said, this system still seems reasonable, even if it only could notice a portion of organisms!
If biopigments were present as a sign of life on a planet, they would leave behind a detectable polarized signature in the reflected light. The scientists have now published their findings in the International Journal of Astrobiology.
Photosynthetic pigments are plant substances that absorb and reflect particular wavelengths of visible light, making them appear in color in the reflected wave ranges. Biopigments are what gives plants, algae, bacteria, and human skin and eyes their colorful appearance. Chlorophyll pigments in plant leaves, for instance, absorb blue to red light but reflect a small part of green in the visible spectrum and thus appear green.
It is this type of outside the box thinking that will propel science and astronomy forward.
thanks to uni-freiberg.de for the great info

Hard to imagine with people this smart in the world we have to deal with some complete idiots who run said world. Maybe we should put some scientists in charge for a while and let logic prevail for once and we might actually prosper. Just a random thought from a frustrated American. Peace, love and prosper everyone !!!!!
They’re already here tho
The reason they don’t want us to know is simply power… if we knew there was a universe full of accessible resources and that humanity didn’t need to suffer we would no longer recognize their authority… that’s it… that simple