Could This Time Travel Story From 1980 Mean…

If nothing else it is interesting to learn about this as many feel it is real:

Dubbed “Britain’s Roswell”, the Rendlesham Forest incident, which took place over a series of nights in December 1980, continues to fascinate UFO enthusiasts and conspiracy theorists. It is easy to understand why. Consider the following three statements, for example:

1) “This was not some vague ‘lights in the sky’ sighting – the UFO actually landed.” – Nick Pope, a Ministry of Defence employee from 1985 to 2006.

2) “When I arrived [at the scene], it was going in and out through the trees and at one stage it was hovering.” – Sgt. Adrian Bustinza, a security police commander who investigated the incident at the time.

3) “Okay, we’re looking at the thing; we’re probably about two to three hundred yards away. It looks like an eye winking at you… And the flash is so bright to the starscope that it almost burns your eye.” – Taken from the Halt tape, recorded on December 27 1980 by United States Air Force lieutenant colonel Charles Halt.


IF you have any ideas on this you can comment.  And of course the remarks on this video thread are all over the place.

It is entertaining to read.  We hope you like the video and find it interesting!  And if anything comes in from the future we will post it 😉

thanks to for the great info


  1. Brian Whedon said:

    For those that don’t want to click thru all the clickbait, it’s referring to the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident with members of the USAF

  2. Donny Van Lingen said:

    No… Its just another bs fairytale that they use to enslave our mind and soul. Propaganda they use to keep us distracted, and to advert our attention else where, its called an illusion/magik(c) trick

  3. Donny Van Lingen said:

    No… Its just another bs fairytale that they use to enslave our mind and soul. Propaganda they use to keep us distracted, and to advert our attention else where, its called an illusion/magik(c) trick. The only way u would be able to travel in time is if u can travel at the speed of light, and that is currently impossible

  4. Donny Van Lingen said:

    Im an$#%&!@*because im educated.?? I said its possible if we can travel at the speed of light. Im sorry u believe in fairytales and hate realist.

  5. Lee Martin said:

    Although I do believe time travel is possible, I believe the conditions must be right for it to be done. Like if we were able to use 100% of our brain power, I also believe that would allow us to time travel. But this story I do not believe, I feel it’s more subliminal control propaganda.

  6. Raul Gonzalez said:

    Time travel is impossible…the past doesn’t exist and the future is not there yet….speed equals time says it..only the present is allowed to exist….


