Could This Time Travel Story From 1980 Mean…

could this actually have happened?

Did time travel really happen 35 years ago in Great Britain?  Some people think so.  Of course there is no known way to prove something like this. However it is fascinating to speculate and examine some of the stories out there in more depth!

Here is more from this reported incident:

A sphere of tingly energy surrounded the UFO causing radio interference with the base, and induced a hazy state of confusion and timelessness for the two men who approached it. When patrol seargent Jim Penniston got close enough to touch some black markings etched onto the craft, it blasted off in a brilliant burst of light.

As the men staggered back to the road, Penniston was left with the crystal clear impression of a long series of ones and zeroes that he did not understand, but copied into his notebook. It would take almost thirty years until someone recognized that this was a message in binary code, and translated, it seems to be from time travelers from the year eighty-one hundred.


This is certainly some far out stuff.  Do you want to find out more about this unusual story?  It is actually known as Britain’s Roswell as an indicator of how this one has spread across the U.K.

Let’s find out more and check out a video about this mystery on page 2

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  1. Brian Whedon said:

    For those that don’t want to click thru all the clickbait, it’s referring to the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident with members of the USAF

  2. Donny Van Lingen said:

    No… Its just another bs fairytale that they use to enslave our mind and soul. Propaganda they use to keep us distracted, and to advert our attention else where, its called an illusion/magik(c) trick

  3. Donny Van Lingen said:

    No… Its just another bs fairytale that they use to enslave our mind and soul. Propaganda they use to keep us distracted, and to advert our attention else where, its called an illusion/magik(c) trick. The only way u would be able to travel in time is if u can travel at the speed of light, and that is currently impossible

  4. Donny Van Lingen said:

    Im an$#%&!@*because im educated.?? I said its possible if we can travel at the speed of light. Im sorry u believe in fairytales and hate realist.

  5. Lee Martin said:

    Although I do believe time travel is possible, I believe the conditions must be right for it to be done. Like if we were able to use 100% of our brain power, I also believe that would allow us to time travel. But this story I do not believe, I feel it’s more subliminal control propaganda.

  6. Raul Gonzalez said:

    Time travel is impossible…the past doesn’t exist and the future is not there yet….speed equals time says it..only the present is allowed to exist….

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