Here is some background of some of Einstein’s theories in this DailyMail article that might lay the groundwork for working with the grandfather’s paradox:
Einstein’s theory suggests the possibility of traveling backwards in time by following a space-time path that returns to the starting point in space but at an earlier time – a closed timelike curve (CTC).
This possibility has puzzled physicists and philosophers alike since it was discovered by Austrian-American scientist Kurt Gödel in 1949, as it seems to cause paradoxes in the classical world.
Some very intelligent scientists have taken this into account and their solution for starters might start here:
A group of scientists have simulated how time-traveling photons might behave, suggesting that, at the quantum level, the grandfather paradox could be resolved.
Physicists simulate sending quantum light particles into the past.
The article and video on their theories is very fascinating from the full write-up below. Clearly this subject requires outside the box, and dimension thinking 🙂
thanks to Jonathan O’ Callaghan and DailyMail for a great writeup