Did Astronomers Just Solve the Mystery of These Supernovas?


Astronomers were at odds and could not come up with a reasonable explanation until now.  Were you aware of the mystery of these supernovas?

Well it looks like there may be more than one way to explain these awesome cosmic events!

A longstanding mystery about the tiny stars that let loose powerful explosions known as Type Ia supernovae might finally be solved.

For decades, astronomers have debated whether one , or two, is necessary for firing up this particular kind of supernova.

“Something in the universe makes one percent of white dwarfs commit suicide and explode as supernovae. We are only now starting to have an idea of what causes this.”

Ah the old one or two white dwarf star debate.  In all seriousness, this is a big deal for astronomy.  It effects the modeling not just of supernovas but also in predicting them.  They recently did just that which was a first in astronomy.  This may even change their theory on where some of these rare FRB “fast radio bursts” have come from.

Let’s find out more and watch a video on supernovas on page 2

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