Did You Know About This Massive Underground City?

Here is a bit more information on this archaeological discovery from wikipedia:

One of the heavy stone doors. They have a height of 1–1,5 m, 30–50 cm in width and weigh 200–500 kg. The hole in the centre can be used to open or close the millstone, or to see who is outside.[1]

The underground city at Derinkuyu could be closed from the inside with large stone doors. Each floor could be closed off separately.

Between the third and fourth levels is a vertical staircase. This passageway leads to a cruciform church on the lowest (fifth) level.

The large 55 m ventilation shaft appears to have been used as a well. The shaft also provided water to both the villagers above and, if the outside world was not accessible, to those in hiding.

Wow what types of tools do you think they built this with?

We hope you enjoy the video!

thanks to UniversalTrek for the great info


