Guy Builds a Tesla Coil At Home and Its Amazing

This particular acrylic mounted coil was featured on “Hacked Gadgets”.  You can see him drilling acrylic to fit the copper circles at the base.  Another note about the coils:

Some Tesla coils can be modulated to play music using the lightning they produce. At first it can be hard to believe that sound is coming from the streamers themselves, but it’s true, there is no speaker attached to a singing Tesla coil!

You can see him patiently spinning the copper wire around the entire cylinder as well.  Then he mounts a metallic ball at the top to form the main structure of this home device.  Now that the construction is finished watch him fire it up?  Wow lightning is coming out of the end.

I hope you enjoy the video.  Don’t try this at home or without the supervision of a professional!


thanks to onetesla for the great info!

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