Guy Makes An “Exciter Circuit” Using A Tesla Coil And THIS Happened

Whoa! That’s pretty awesome..

Does it work as he expected? This home experimented definitely has some engineering chops and makes something very cool. NOTE: DO NOT TRY THIS WITHOUT THE SUPERVISION OF A PROFESSIONAL.

He uses tesla coil technology and something called a slayer circuit.  This may be over the heads of many who are not engineers by trade but it is cool to watch!

You may have come across a lot of tesla coil videos on YouTube where home experimenters use copper and some tesla configurations to make small motors, generators and stuff like that.

In this pic there is actually a famous show where two ambitious performers have somewhat of a dual built on tesla technology.


Of course in the video below aside from the cool factor many want to know if this has any practical applications.

One person says “Does this charge cell phones”?

Haha I bet if configured correctly it probably could although that may be quite an effort for the results.

We hope you like the video and stay tuned for other cool YT vids of tesla fans making home inventions.



