Have You Heard About THESE Weird Things in the Atacama Desert?

some say it is like the red planet

From reported aliens to its unusual climate, this place is unusual and not often talked about.  We will cover the three main mysteries.  They include an unusual body found in 2013 under the extraterrestrial category, a mysterious hand sculpture and the unusually dry climate.  And there is an updated video with some far out footage.

  1. The scoop on the alien rumors

Apparently in 2003 they found something there.  Here is a bit more on it and the possibilites as theorized by scientists.  Let’s see if you agree with the prevailing explanations:

Researchers made a mysterious discovery in Chile’s Atacama Desert in 2003. This tiny skeleton looked human, but had many features that left scientists scratching their heads. When the images hit the internet, many people assumed the only explanation could be aliens. Thankfully, more reasonable heads prevailed and the remains were subjected to a battery of forensic testing in order to identify how this anomalous skeleton, nicknamed Ata, came to be.

So what made this specimen so peculiar? For starters, the skeleton was only 15 centimeters (6 inches) long. Many initially speculated that the remains were from a premature birth or miscarried fetus, though others disregarded the whole thing as a hoax.


The 3 most likely possibilites are dwarfism, progeria (which brings aging on quickly), and mummification.

Let’s check out some videos of this strange place on page 2

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