Home Inventor Makes Device That Can Boil Water IN SECONDS

How cool is that?

This home inventor makes a very powerful device using  a few parts around the house.  It doesn’t take a physicist or science student to make one of these its pretty simple.


Here is how this home experimenter describes this device:

In this video, I make a pancake coil for inductive heating the surface of parts that wouldn’t make sense to build a regular coil for. It can also be used for cooking. Induction cooktops are more efficient than a gas or electric stove because there is less wasted heat.

It is called a pancake coil for the obvious reason that the shape and color somewhat resemble one 😉

Let’s watch this thing heat up in the video on page 2

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  1. Bryan Birkholz said:

    His family still has it but doesn’t want to share such a wonderful thing with the rest of the world unfortunately. Oh well, there’s so much on the verge of happening and being discovered. We live in a very exciting time even though things seem as if they’re really bad.

  2. Derek Alexander Wetzel said:

    And then, just think about all the significant advances we can make with water that boils!!! Can you believe it, water, that Boils!!! Holy F*ck!! What a time to be alive….-_-!

  3. Greg Jackson said:

    The dude just made a tiny one fit for an ez bake oven. Induction cooking has been around since the early 1900 with commercial viable options made available around the 70s.


