How Fast is the Speed of Dark?

Here is a really cool scientific debate about the speed of dark.  The speed of light has been discussed and measured obviously but what about a different way of measuring the universe and it’s properties?

Here is a bit on spacetime from wikipedia which may be relevant here:

When dimensions are understood as mere components of the grid system, rather than physical attributes of space, it is easier to understand the alternate dimensional views as being simply the result of coordinate transformations.

Let’s check out the speed of dark in the video on page 2

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  1. Lake Superior Stidham said:

    It has no speed and infinite speed at the same time.

    Unless of course there is a space of otherness or nothingness inbetween light and dark that we perceive as darkness since it is not necissarilly bound to this universe since doesn’t follow our physical constants and is likely not physical. So, in short, the speed of darkness is more like space being warped the bubble of nonphysical ness that surrounds or is being being pushed through by whatever the “speed of darkness” is being compared to.

    This seemingly inexplicable… force-stuff may very well be a physical constant or some fundimental fact of our universe.

    As it’s a completely impossible force, like gravity, we are left with two options.

    Either we are just in universe of infinite universes that exist in a mathematical spectrum ranging from negatuve to posative infinity, or there is a creator whose imagination we are likely in…

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