Huge Universal Explosions Powered By “Space Magnets”

is this TRIPPY or what?

Astronomers have discovered yet another BIZARRE phenomena regarding the universe.  Many of us are of course familiar with black holes, quasars and unusual pulsars and other space stuff!  But, who ever heard of space magnets?  (beyond general understanding of magnetism).

This new observation and theory about gamma ray bursts is fascinating and it involves magnetism:

Observations from ESO’s La Silla and Paranal Observatories in Chile have for the first time demonstrated a link between a very long-lasting burst of gamma rays and an unusually bright supernova explosion. The results show that the supernova was not driven by radioactive decay, as expected, but was instead powered by the decaying super-strong magnetic fields around an exotic object called a magnetar.

Have you ever heard of a magnetar before?  And the fact that they discovered this with the ESO telescope shows just how powerful others can be besides the hubble.

Do you think this will have any effect on our understanding of FRBs or fast radio bursts?  Many astronomers think they can be related.

Let’s find out more and check out the video on page 2

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One Comment;

  1. David Hua Ken Cheng said:

    All Nature Creations have magnetic fields – except man-made objects. Spacecrafts – no matter how technologically advanced – would have no chance against the elements of deep space without the protection of an electromagnetic field.


