Is The Great Pyramid Actually Lopsided or is That Hogwash?

hmmm…let’s find out if this is fact or bogus

Archaeologists have come out with an unprecendented statement.  Now the great pyramid at Giza may be the most well known and debated archaeological site of all time.  It was constructed thousands of years ago and is still very mysterious.  Most notable is the precision with which this complex was constructed.  However a new bold statement was said:

It’s one of the most fascinating and well-built structures in existence, but researchers have shown that the Great Pyramid of Giza is actually lopsided, thanks to an error builders made during construction some 4,500 years ago.

This error has led to the west side of the pyramid being slightly longer than the east side, creating a base that isn’t perfectly square – despite the fact that it looks that way from afar.

Is this hogwash or are they right what do you think?

Let’s find out if this is malarchy or fact on the next page

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