Is Time Happening At Once?

Could time be all happening at once?  This scientist thinks so.  He has a very insightful comment explaining what might be happening in depth:

The time mentioned here is the dimension of space-time we understand using mathematical equations. When someone says “what time is it?” the question means “what is the agreed measure we use to distinguish our location (like latitude or longitude) in space-time?” It is another unit we use to determine/communicate our location in space-time. The difference from other dimensions is, if you don’t move on the surface of earth, your latitude and longitude won’t change but things constantly move in the time dimension. Things move from what we call past to future. Before Einstein, we thought past would be gone and future would come into existence along the way however he realized and showed us that past, present, future all exist in the same way. We feel a flow from past to future.

Let’s check out the video on this time construct on page 2

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