Laser Awesomeness…One of the world’s most powerful handheld lasers

This isn’t a particularly complicated video, just fun laser awesomeness.  Needless to say, do not attempt to make one of these or handle without the supervision of a professional!  One of the commenters thinks this thing is pretty rad and has this to say:

UM If you live ANYWHERE near seattle washington, you should totally help ME make one. I am obsessed with laser’s. Seriously though, are the parts super expensive? Where do you purchase them? Im serious, I would love to make one of those bad boys.

If you are inclined to pay attention, the poster of the video does list out a lot of the parts he uses in a text layer on the video.

Another enthusiastic commenter named Ramon asks a great question:

it looks pretty cool… but i have a question, can u see it with the light turned on? and next project for u 🙂 how to make it stop at a certain distance? make a lightsabre

Ah the mystery of the true lightsabre!  Seriously how would one make it like 4 feet and then just stop?  If anyone has any ideas feel free to comment.  We hope you liked the video.


