Laser Cannon to Clean up Space Debris?

Here is a bit more on the plan to turn outer space into a real life video game.

Lasers could be the saviors in operation Orbital Clean House. A team of astronomers at Japan’s RIKEN, a network of basic-research laboratories, have proposed adding debris-zapping capabilities to a telescope they are already developing for the ISS. They plan to start on a small scale, with a laser no more powerful than the pointer you use to play with your cat. In time, the power could be increased to become a proper laser cannon. (Yes, dear reader, a laser cannon.)

If the notion of lasers in space sounds slightly terrifying, you’re not alone. “The problem with it is mostly political,” says Don Kessler, who spent more than 30 years at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. “Everyone is afraid you are going to weaponize space.” Kessler began the field of studying orbital debris and lends his name to “Kessler syndrome,” a scenario in which colliding debris begins a cascade of increasing debris and destruction.

Let’s hope that they are right, or maybe it’s better if they aren’t and we don’t need it 😉

thanks to wired for the info



