This is the surprising quote from NASA:
We do have guidelines for dealing with microbial life if we find it. In fact, we have guidelines that prevent us from, for example, on Mars getting too close to a place that may be a source of living organisms, because we don’t want to contaminate that area.
It is surprising, although probably smart in that missions to Mars are often discussed. So they are saying they don’t want to contaminate things as opposed to avoid being contaminated which might be the expected answer.
Listen to the whole video here and feel free to post your ideas.
Let’s see if you agree with their points or not.
thanks to iflscience.com for the great info

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Avoidance :p
If they could visit here then they probably have the capability to go anywhere
If that is the case wouldn’t be probability that they stay undetected on purpose and live anywhere they like
There’s still room for advancement. Slightly.
This is interesting and great questions and answers
“We already did”
Microorganisms…bah! Call me when the ufos attack Washington…I’ll bring the popcorn.
Exactly but you forgot the Capitol emoji.
Added capital…and the popcorn was already there at the end.
NASA and the Government both have. A.R.V.’s most UFO sightings are our own government.
They need to wake up to the antigrav tech that’s been around for 50 years.
The guy speaking wasnt a scientist, he is an economist listen to his dialogue.
Kill them. Reverse engineer their technology before the rest of them get here.
NASA is a front
NASA the word means deception. Everything they tell you is a lie, and they rub it your fucking faces! They could take 1% of the money the have spent in the last 30 years could home every man, woman, and child on the planet. It’s really sad people believe everything NASA says like they are the gods of science. Their science is a religion
NASA is full of$#%&!@*like Fox News the masses believe their horse s**t