He Placed a Neodymium Magnet in a Round Pipe and it Did THIS

Do you know what happens when he drops the magnet?  Do you have any ideas?  Hint: it is pretty cool and similar effects might be used in future transportation systems.

These types of magnets also have a lot of commercial applications.  Here are some of them listed on wikipedia:

Common applications of rare-earth magnets include:

In terms of transportation as mentioned on page one, we are talking about superconductivity systems.

We hope you like the video.  And remember don’t try experiments like this without the supervision of a professional.

One Comment;

  1. Shane Dyer said:

    I’ve know this for quite some time and have always wondered how it would react with gold in place of the copper. Being as gold has much more continuity than copper. What if you reversed everything and put gold in a magnetic field? Where I’m trying to get at is the possibility of reducing gravities force with magnetic energy, because that is basically what is happening here. The magnetic energy is reacting with the continuity of the copper to reduce gravities pull…only due to the force of the magnet of course, because we can’t actually reduce what gravity is already here, but we can only act upon it.


