New Class Of Sound Wave Has Been Discovered

Aside from the cool factor you might be surprised to hear of its benefits..

It’s been over 50 years since this has happened.  Apparently a new type of sound wave may have some promising medical benefits.  Nanotechnology and other non conventional delivery mechanisms have been making headlines for a few years now.  And you can add this to the mix of new far out techniques that may have therapeutic properties.  Here is a bit more on what they found:

A new class of sound wave has been developed for the first time in 50 years that looks set to revolutionise the use of stem cells in medical treatments.

Created by acoustics experts from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, the sound waves – known as “surface reflected bulk waves” – are gentle enough to manipulate stem cells without causing damage, something that has not previously been possible with sound waves.

Let’s find out more and check out a cool physics demonstration of sound waves in the video on page 2

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