New Plastic Eating Bacteria May Change Recycling

The team conducting the research reside in Japan.  And as referenced on page 1, the key id their biochemical tool kit:

Now a team at Kyoto University have, by rummaging around in piles of waste, found a plastic munching microbe. After five years of searching through 250 samples, they isolated a bacteria that could live on poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), a common plastic used in bottles and clothing. They named the new species of bacteria Ideonella sakaiensis.

And apparently related enzymes are already used in a lot of items we interact with everyday:

Manufactured enzymes are already used to great effect in a wide range of everyday items. Biological washing powders contain enzymes that digest fatty stains.

What do you think are they onto something awesome or will this be a dud?

And apparently even some people are discussing plastic eating worms.

Let’s find out more about these worms in the video on the next page

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