Planet Kepler-186F May Be Inhabitable For Extraterrestrials

They are very excited about this discovery at NASA because of its implications for other similar planets:

“This discovery does confirm that Earth-sized planets do exist in the habitable zones of other stars,” Quintana said during a Thursday news briefing at NASA Headquarters.

Kepler-186f goes around an M-type dwarf star that’s smaller and cooler than our sun. But it orbits much closer to its parent star than Earth does, within what would be Mercury’s orbit in our own solar system. Those two factors combine to produce an environment that could allow for liquid water on the surface, assuming that the planet had a heat-trapping atmosphere.

What do you think could this planet harbor extraterrestrial intelligence?  Or perhaps kepler 452-b?

How would you suggest searching for evidence?

And the second video has the 10 facts.


  1. David Hua Ken Cheng said:

    Human may be comfortable with Earth atmospheric environment. But extraterrestrials species from other worlds may not find Earth conducive for their survival. Oxygen may be toxic. Some species requires a healthy dose of 95% carbon dioxide. Sunlight burn their delicate skin. Even the food we eat may not be agreeable to their taste. Extraterrestrials who came and stayed on Earth wore thin reflective suits and helmets with large tinted googles to protect their eyes from the UV ray of sunlight. Some may find Earth gravity too strong to allow them to walk upright. Communication may a problem. Planet Kepler-186F may be inhabitable for extraterrestrials but may likely be habitable for humans. The search for extraterrestrials – based on a human friendly environment and expecting to find extraterrestrials – is unthinkably wrong. On the other hand – human may have to wear protective suits if we do come face to face with extraterrestrials on Kepler 186F.


