Quad 4 Tesla Coil Configuration Experiment

Home experimenter Daniel Nunez does a really cool home experiment with a quad Tesla coil configuration.  Most experiments in this area are with one coil so observing the effects of this array is interesting.  Here is his brief excerpt:

Here is a demonstration of 4 POE Vortex Coil Minis wired in dual phase to drive a magnetic rotor.

For those who don’t know, many have experimented on the quest for an efficient or free energy device based on the works of Tesla, magnetism and coil configurations.  Even some with neodymium magnets have been configured which is cool too.

Let’s see what effects using 4 coils has on the power generation in the video

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  1. Joshua Caleb Devall said:

    Joseph Grima this motor does not create more electricity than it consumes. There is not a device known to man to produce more energy than it consumes. Free energy has not been accomplished.

  2. Michael Kelton said:

    I wonder what would happen if you put the rotor inside of a box that was air tight and had a 500 micron vacuum? Would it help cut down on air friction/resistance and be able to achieve higher RPM?

  3. Amber Winterhalder said:

    Ummm yeah okay so no the secret to endless free energy is Zero Point Energy. Monatomic elements produce Zero Point Energy in a high spin state. They also put off a Meissner Field that negate magnetic fields respectively. They are superconductive at room temperature. Soooo no

  4. Brad Welch said:

    Tesla was going to give electricity away for free. That is what he was talking about when he said free energy.

  5. David Ben said:

    Free energy is a bad term for these types of energies since it’s not free at all. Energy is being converted and clever ways are derived to extract most of the converted energy.

  6. Jesse America said:

    This video has been around for ages. If you actually look into the science of it a little bit you have to wonder how much energy was required to create the neodymium magnets? Ultimately, if you start harvesting energy the only gain you get is from harvesting energy already stored in the magnets which will steadily drain over the course of time. So it’s not really a gain.

  7. Zakary Tronc said:

    Cool but you would lose all your gained energy and then some by converting it to DC and charging batteries and converting it back to run the device. Maybe implement a Halbach array with some rare earth magnets and match their magnetic flux.


