Quantum Computers Are Insanely Fast

Here is a bit more information on some of the potential applications:

NASA and Google share a quantum computer for use at the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab using a 512 qubit D-Wave Two that would be used for research into machine learning to assist in using artificial neural networks to search through large astronomical data sets for extrasolar planets and to increase the efficiency of internet searchs by using A.I. metaheuristics on heuristical search engines.

Such A.I. metaheuristics may resemble global optimization problems similar to classical problems such as the travelling salesman, ant colony or swarm optimization, which can navigate through maze-like databases. Using entangled particles as qubits, these algorithms can be navigated far faster than conventional computers and with much more variables.

Is technology going too far or will th ebenefits of such machines outweigh the negatives?

thanks to Muon Ray for the great info


