S.E.T.I. Scientist Wants to Contact Aliens By Beaming The Internet Into Space

Is this a good idea?

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence program has gotten renewed interest and this is one of their more out there ideas.  There is even a billionaire from Russia who is personally putting up $100 million dollars to continue the search.  The program originally made headlines in the 1970s and there are still some controversial “findings” that are discussed to this day.  One of them is about a crop circle entitled the arecibo message.  This particular crop circle was similar in structure to a coded message that we sent out into space:


They still don’t know who did it.

Let’s find out more on the plan to send the internet into space in the video on page 2

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  1. Michael Bush said:

    The very fact that they still want to use archaic methods to make contact should be proof enough that they are a joke, considering we all know there are better ways.

  2. Michael Bush said:

    And if you don’t think that they are created as a diversion, then think about how long the rant just went on about “porn in space”……

  3. Michael Bush said:

    SETI is going on the assumption that all aliens must be friendly. A bad mistake to send the Internet into space. Not all may be friendly, and sending out the Internet to an advanced hostile race could very well end us.

  4. Andres Tejeda said:

    Don’t do that, they they will definetly not want to talk back. Hell after they see all our porn, cat videos, and random stupid stuff they will be like “nope”. We will not go to Earth.

  5. Michael Bush said:

    Your own DNA…the DNA is made up from Nucleotides. The Nucleotides do this by absorbing the elements around them to form the DNA strand. This is common knowledge. Yet, if this is true (which it is) why are we not made up of common elements? Whereas we have absorbed rare elements and are of a carbon base. There is your first clue.

  6. Curtis D. Knudsen Sr. said:

    Bad idea.
    Most cosmetologists agree , beaming waves into space is potentially dangerous as it could alert an aggressive entity to our coordinates.
    The universe is scattered with background noise and thus acts as a cloaking screen.

  7. James Tacker said:

    By the time the signals got far enough to be received and interpreted by some advanced beings, and they travel to our earth, odds are the human race would be extinct.

  8. Damian Beardsley said:

    I mean it could be a good idea, but then again they could see how absolutely fucked up we are not only to each other as a human species but two other living creatures on earth and our planet itself and just decide to come and save our planet and destroy us

  9. Scott Riffas said:

    Not a good idea… Humans can’t even get along here. If I were alien race receiving our internet feeds, I would think that this civilization was evil. We need to educate everyone how to act according before we attempt to leave this planet. Most people aren’t worthy mentally to handle ET. I think it would expose us to negative publicity

  10. Joe Walker said:

    Illuminati and the aliens have been working on making the aliens a material body since the Washington presidency. Everyone who wore their tin foil hat today knows that. But, seriously, can you get someone committed over the internet?

  11. Jeff Anderson said:

    More of this contacting aliens stuff but i remember seeing a news brief in science on Science Channel once years ago. They said something to the extent that mathematicians had determined that signals out past too light years would be indecipherable. So considering the vastness of the universe even if they could decipher our signals out to ten light years that still leaves us with limited odds we’ll make contact.

  12. Shane Newsome said:

    Im gonna be fuckin pissed if they can do that and i cant get a damn signal on my phone in between a damn hill on the highway every morning omw to work

  13. Stephen Nichols said:

    I would agree if the most looked up sights weren’t porn!….. any other life form would thoughs humans do nothing but film their matting rituals…. lol


