Some Researchers Claim A “Structure” Around A Bizarre Star Was Built By Extraterrestrials

Can this be?  Whoa what could be causing this unusual structure?

Researchers have revealed a ‘bizarre’ star they say could be surrounded by a huge alien mega structure.

KIC 8462852, located 1,480 light-years away, was monitored by the Kepler Space Telescope for more than four years, beginning in 2009.

Now researchers say they cannot explain strange fluctuations in the light it emits – leading some to claim it could have a huge alien megastructure in front of it.

Let’s find out more about this fascinating observation on page 2

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  1. Philip Anes said:

    Yea right its planetary debris or asteroid belt. To build something they would need every bit of material from millions of planet there’s only so much material they can build it with

  2. Eric Lang said:

    They never mention aliens in the research paper! But most other theories can’t explain it so it’s being thrown around as aliens by the Internet experts!

  3. Vin Caldas said:

    Dyson cloud. A series of large solar satellites in assorted orbits that serve the same point as a Dyson sphere. Build enough magnets of high enough power you could probably mine coronal ejections for the raw material to build it. Or just use the asteroid belt. Plenty of ways to do that kinda stuff if you have space magic on your side.

  4. Andrew Perry said:

    well for argument sake then, I’m going gamma ray burst nukes us… or a super massive blackhole spagettifies us. The later would be coolest

  5. Cody Searels said:

    Been a lot of hype about this MUFON and SETI have confirmed what’s been found and talk of sending a probe close enough to pick up radio waves to see if we get any feed back of E.T. Nature I hope so tired of all the non believers lol

  6. Brian Ross said:

    One of the primary ways we would mesure advanced civilization is the kardshav scale.
    And one of the primary things we look for is the ability to harness the power of the stars.
    Makes me wooondeeer.

  7. Ryne Freeman said:

    Word dude, although devil’s advocate time, could be a large debris field of some sort. It’d have to be a super large, super congested debris field, though…like a planetary collision.

    Here’s hoping that if it is the other side, that they’ll like us when they meet us (because once we send that probe…).

  8. Filius Doloris said:

    They don’t yet know if it’s a structure or not. All they know for sure is that something is messing with what they usually expect from light patterns. There are many theories, the possibility of an ET structure is one of them.

  9. Jason D Baird said:

    Quick let’s make friends with em and then get screwed harshly I ain’t messing with no aliens they can keep their et intelligence and tech

  10. Mickey Wayne said:

    If Jupiter lessens our sun by 1% and this structure lessens it’s star by 11% and then 22% the structure would be 11x larger than Jupiter! But if the star is bigger than ours then the structures size would be that much larger. Crazy! But let’s look at humans here on Earth. Why don’t modern humans make gigantic sized human statues like the ancients? Or maybe the ancients made life sized statues and us modern humans are really that much smaller than whoever was here before… According to evolution and science animals, insects, trees etc were much larger compared to today. Maybe aliens are like 100ft talk. Who know?

  11. Paul Maze said:

    I heard it said if you could harness the power of a star you could alter spacetime so when is this is a trick question if it is a harnessed star

  12. Joey Jordan said:

    Matt a star puts out many trillions of watts of energy. But a planetary structure or as called Terra = to earth even a little amount of interference over space make’s problems


