Space Travel..How Long Before We Can Reach Other Galaxies?

For many astronomers and science fans the question is when will we be able to reach other stars using interstellar travel?  Dr. Michio Kaku has some interesting insight on the question:

When discussing the possibility of interstellar travel, there is something called “the giggle factor.” Some scientists tend to scoff at the idea of interstellar travel because of the enormous distances that separate the stars. According to Special Relativity (1905), no usable information can travel faster than light locally, and hence it would take centuries to millennia for an extra-terrestrial civilization to travel between the stars. Even the familiar stars we see at night are about 50 to 100 light years from us, and our galaxy is 100,000 light years across. The nearest galaxy is 2 million light years from us. The critics say that the universe is simply too big for interstellar travel to be practical.

Let’s find out more and check out the video on page 2

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  1. Joshua Schmidt said:

    Even with all the “imagined” science in Star Trek, they never left the Milky Way. It is simply huge and that’s nothing compared to the distance between galaxies. We may see interstellar travel to some degree in 100 years but I think it would be thousands for intergalactic….and that’s assuming our species hasn’t gone extinct


