The “Alien Wow” Signal From 1977 is Closer to…

Could it be something as simple as this?  here is the evidence that Paris provides and do you think this makes sense or not?

He thinks it may be from comets.

As comets pass by the sun, ultraviolet light breaks up their ice, creating a large cloud of hydrogen gas around them. The frequency of the Wow! signal matches a frequency naturally emitted by hydrogen. This means that comets passing in front of a telescope like the Big Ear would generate a brief signal that might match the Wow! signal.

When the Wow! signal was first picked up, no one knew these comets existed, so no one had considered this idea.

Until now.

But the idea that comets are responsible for this mysterious signal is not without its critics. Some researchers, like James Bauer of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, aren’t buying it. Bauer told New Scientistthat he agrees that the hydrogen from comets can extend quite far, but still thinks the signal won’t be strong enough. And the case of the Wow! isn’t closed yet. Paris and his colleagues still need to test their hypothesis using something called a radio telescope.

As you can see other scientists disagree with this claim.  It will take further investigation and it may either get figured out or still remain mysterious.  And here is a related video that we hope you like.

thanks to for the great info

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